I'm glad you decided to stop by and see what's happening in Room 109. Come back often to see updates, lessons for the week, check for music wesite links, or leave a message. Thanks for joining the May Music Blog Spot.
Just what you have been waiting for. The recorders are in for Rooms 212 and 214. We will begin right away when we return from intercession. You will learning the parts of, care of, and how to blow the recorder. We will be making music from poetry all week long. We will be using the Angel Halo Soprano Recorder by Peripole. Which one of you will the the first to earn a White Belt?
West African Drumming will start immediately after intercession. Yes, Taylor will be back on Wednesday. So 203 and 204 get ready! Get out those iPads and look up the countries in West Africa. Start to research the names of the drums and other instruments. What can you tell us about Mali, Senegal, or Guinea?